Thursday, October 2, 2014

Ponder This...

We do more damage in relationships with our shield than with our sword.

The Freezer is my Friend

I freeze everything or I end up throwing it away sooner or later.  When I had a big family, things got eaten. Now I still struggle with cooking more than one person will eat...especially if that one person puts it in the back of the fridge and forgets about it.

What is everything? (I'm still experimenting.)

  1. onions (chop or dice) If I chop them before I put them away, I can just grab a handful for an omlet or stir fry etc.
  2. celery (chop or dice)
  3. bell peppers (chop or dice)
  4. bread (I can thaw a slice a time in the toaster oven)
  5. bananas and other fruit (peeled and sliced or chopped so that they are perfect for smoothies or protein shakes)

and I still like to bake... but I don't freeze that. I take it to work and give it away.

So what do you freeze?