Monday, July 21, 2014

Epic Fail... Old habits are hard to break, but not impossible.

This is my second post…the post after the very first one. You know the post where I declared that I was going to do things differently with my cooking.  I was going to look for recipes and/or develop recipes and actually follow them… which is different from what I usually do… make things up as I go.
Guess what… I messed up already.  

I should talk a little about the failed baking project. It was supposed to be two chocolate chip mini cakes. I found a recipe for butter cake using 4 eggs and I tried to modify by dividing the recipe into a 4th of the recipe. First of all, baking as opposed to cooking (my cooking, that is ) is a very precise science. The recipe has to have certain components in specific ratios. Although I’ve done a whole lot of baking in my lifetime, about 20% of the time I am very careful to follow a recipe, the rest of the time I use mixes. I learned a lot about recipes and baking when I was in Minnesota last year staying with my friend, Karen, who is an excellent baker, and an excellent teacher, and excellent recipe follower… me, yeah... not so much.The real problems occurred when I didn't have the specific ingredients and tried to make substitutions.
I don’t want to concentrate on the failed chocolate chip mini-cakes; instead, I want to talk about what this experience taught me or reinforced for me.
  •   Old habits die hard. Just as water takes the path of least resistance, if you’re not careful, even when we start out with the best of intentions, we will revert to what we know… what is most familiar.
  •     Change is difficult, even when it is our choice.  It takes FOCUS and DETERMINATION and DILIGENCE. 

 Back to the drawing board or the recipe board. LOL!

 Still choosing JOY! ~  Jacki

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