Thursday, July 10, 2014

First Recipe... Sweet Potato Fries Sauce.

Being alone at my age was not in my life plan. I never expected to get divorced. No one does (right?). But even more of a shock to my system was how quickly my nest emptied out.  Adjusting to being by myself wasn't the worse part. I'm a recovering introvert so that was easy... Easy in a sense that I can fill my time and I have plenty to do.  
Having said that, I need to emphasize that I miss the day to day interaction with my kids. They are truly wonderful people. My heart aches and I long for their physical presence. I am making the best of it. I just wanted to make that clear.

No... the most difficult thing I have had to adjust to is cooking for one person. I learned to cook as a part of a family of 7 and being a mom to 5 kiddos... yup 7 again.
I can follow a recipe, but for the most part for my favorites and staples, I don't. I call myself a "creative cook" which basically means I sometimes make it up as I go along. I know how it should taste, or look and I'd just add stuff until it looks or tastes like it is supposed to.

There are some staples like my macaroni and cheese, for instance, that I had a a routine rather than a recipe. I used the same pot and added milk to halfway fill it. Added enough cheeses to melt into the milk. I used one box of elbow macaroni, and it all made a purple (9 x 13) pan full of cheesy goodness every time.

Since I've been in my apartment and my daughter has gone back to college, I am truly cooking for one. I start off making less, but it still isn't less enough. For instance, I made Eggplant Parmesan on Sunday night and I am still eating it at least once a day and it's Thursday.

Now this is maturity attention...

I'm going to start using and creating recipes. Actual recipes, written down/recorded and tested with adjustments for 2, 4, and 6 servings... ok?.

This is symbolic of my life right now. I'm making the necessary adjustments to survive... and THRIVE!

Today's recipe is my concoction for the sauce I use for Sweet Potato fries. I LOVE sweet potato fries. I will pull out my pan and oil and cook some on a whim. I don't generally eat fried foods, but Sweet potatoes are different. ( Let me live my fantasy, ok?)

Equal parts of Ranch salad dressing and light brown sugar and two tablespoons honey... How simple is that???

1/4 cup Ranch dressing
1/4 cup light brown sugar
2 tablespoons raw honey

Stir well.

Prepare fries according to package directions. After removing the fries from the oil, sprinkle with sea salt before drizzling with sauce. I also use the sauce for dipping. 

Ok... So try it, and then tell me what we should call the sauce.

Choosing JOY! Jacki

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